Thursday, November 19, 2009

#10 SpiderGoth

Human intelligence inhabits physical space. But it also augments physical space with virtual qualities; mythology, religion, fairy tails, monsters and dragons. The human world is neither natural, nor virtual; it is at the intersection of the two, where everyday life happens : reality generates myths, and inversely, myths dictate modes of behavior to people.

New York is the birthplace of the Contemporary Virtual, the intriguing cityscape where human imagination constantly generates new urban myths. New York is more than the physical metropolis of our times; it is the epicenter of modern mythology. Here, countless superheroes live and work. Extraordinary figures rule the skyline and the citizens' imagination : they symbolize and protect the ideals of the entire western world.

In the NY context, it would be an interesting experiment to invert the process of physical producing virtual. What if virtual figures worked together to construct a protective structure for the citizens of NY? What if, say, Spiderman and Batman, engineered a shed that combines the symbolic and even structural characteristics of each ones' identity? How would that structure look like ? How would it work?

A modular webby, lightweight construction with a Batman/Gotham inspired geometry, could be the synthetic answer. Spider-goth.

Copyright : Kostas Poulopoulos 2009


  1. that's awesome:)(xanthh edw)
    I'd love to see that when I go to N.Y:P start workingggg
